98-04 CHEVY S10
98-04 GMC S15
Here we will install the 98-04 Chevy S10 High Beam Kit in a 2002 Chevy S10 Blazer
Let’s open the hood, on the passengers side there are two head light retainer pins that need to be removed.
Simply pull the retainer pins up, and pull the head light out. Once the head light is out unhook the high beam socket, the low beam socket, and the side marker light.

Pull back the wire loom so you can see the colors of the low beam and high beam wiring.
Install a T-Tap on the YELLOW wire as well as the BLUE wire from the low beam wiring harness.
Install a T-Tap on the PURPLE wire from the high beam wiring harness.

Drill an 1/8" hole to mount the conversion box and the BLACK ground wire.
Be sure NOT to drill into your radiator!

Once the conversion box is installed with the ground wire, it should look like this.

Now plug in the PURPLE wire from the conversion box into the PURPLE wire from the wiring harness.
Plug in the YELLOW wire from the conversion box to the YELLOW wire from the wiring harness.
Plug in the FUSE LINK wire from the conversion box into the BLUE wire from the wiring harness.

Check your work before you re-install your head light, and then your done.

If you have any questions about your install, please contact us at: